Local Public Comments for Liberty Posted
Emailed for reading during Public Comment – (Non-agenda Items) for the Tuesday, August 24, 2021 Regular Meeting of the Downey City Council
Hello from David Bowers in Downey, California. I am writing this note to say that I am hopeful the City of Downey does not fall into the trap which other cities are falling. That is the trap of taking away liberties in the hopes they can stave off the calamity and deaths created by some bad research work with nasty viruses.
Please continue to recognize that all you free people have to fear is the fear that bad leadership can whip up in the people. The goal of those creating fear is not to teach, explain, or to help you through a crisis. It is to make one feel they need to heed and obey those that claim they know better. While those same cover their evil tracks.
Please keep your minds clear and your thoughts toward a better future for liberty and freedom for all; not just a future that is better suited to despots and despotic tyranny.
Never forget power corrupts....
Have a good evening,
David Bowers
Hello from David Bowers in Downey, California. I am writing this note to say that I am hopeful the City of Downey does not fall into the trap which other cities are falling. That is the trap of taking away liberties in the hopes they can stave off the calamity and deaths created by some bad research work with nasty viruses.
Please continue to recognize that all you free people have to fear is the fear that bad leadership can whip up in the people. The goal of those creating fear is not to teach, explain, or to help you through a crisis. It is to make one feel they need to heed and obey those that claim they know better. While those same cover their evil tracks.
Please keep your minds clear and your thoughts toward a better future for liberty and freedom for all; not just a future that is better suited to despots and despotic tyranny.
Never forget power corrupts....
Have a good evening,
David Bowers
I speak tonight about a non-agenda item. I speak again about an issue that should be kept in your minds as you make your difficult decisions impacting others in Downey.
You have sworn to uphold to the US Constitution. The Constitution was designed to help a nation that was founded on the goal of protecting the blessing of liberty for the people. We had made some great strides in that direction. However, as I watch, read and hear the news over the last decade plus now it becomes painfully clearer everyday to me that the government has lost its moral compass.
I see that the blessings of liberty are no longer what are protected by governments. Many government leaders appear to pursue power and become corrupted easily by those around them.
It is with my best wishes for all that I remind you that a free person is not obliged to consent to the dictates of a corrupted government that violates the rights and freedoms of the people.
I hope you can consider the bigger issues at stake in your roles as you move forward as a Council. Thank you for your time this evening.
– David Bowers, Downey – delivered via telephone during the Non-Agenda Public Comment session of the
February 9, 2021 Regular Meeting of the Downey City Council.
You have sworn to uphold to the US Constitution. The Constitution was designed to help a nation that was founded on the goal of protecting the blessing of liberty for the people. We had made some great strides in that direction. However, as I watch, read and hear the news over the last decade plus now it becomes painfully clearer everyday to me that the government has lost its moral compass.
I see that the blessings of liberty are no longer what are protected by governments. Many government leaders appear to pursue power and become corrupted easily by those around them.
It is with my best wishes for all that I remind you that a free person is not obliged to consent to the dictates of a corrupted government that violates the rights and freedoms of the people.
I hope you can consider the bigger issues at stake in your roles as you move forward as a Council. Thank you for your time this evening.
– David Bowers, Downey – delivered via telephone during the Non-Agenda Public Comment session of the
February 9, 2021 Regular Meeting of the Downey City Council.