June 7, 2022 Ballot Recommendation
from the Libertarians in the southeast area of Los Angeles (Region 65)
The following specific recommendation for voting passed unanimously by the Members of Region 65 at our June 2022 Meeting.
Lynwood Measure CC -- Vote NO. We prefer the people of Lynwood be able to continue to select their City Clerk via an election versus being an appointed position.
Lynwood Measure CC -- Vote NO. We prefer the people of Lynwood be able to continue to select their City Clerk via an election versus being an appointed position.
Initiative to Overturn Vaccine Passports in the City of Los Angeles
Check out the website: medicalfreedomla.com.
This is the website to sign up for information, donate and download the petition to overturn the vaccine passport rules in the City of Los Angeles.
The message is simple:
We believe you own your body, and that you have the right to decide what goes into your body.
We don’t believe that government should punish people for exercising their natural rights, or force business owners to exclude people based on their vaccination status. We believe people have a right to medical privacy.
This is the website to sign up for information, donate and download the petition to overturn the vaccine passport rules in the City of Los Angeles.
The message is simple:
We believe you own your body, and that you have the right to decide what goes into your body.
We don’t believe that government should punish people for exercising their natural rights, or force business owners to exclude people based on their vaccination status. We believe people have a right to medical privacy.
Region 65 of LPLAC's Resolution Against COVID Passports
Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,
Whereas everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits,
Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind,
Whereas such tyrannical and barbarous acts have included use of special identity cards to exclude certain groups of people from the cinema, theater, concerts, exhibitions, beaches and holiday resorts (Germany in 1938),
Whereas such tyranny was expanded only three years after the aforementioned cruelty to also exclude that same group of people the use of public phones; the ability to leave the country; even the ability to keep dogs, cats or birds (Germany, 1941),
Whereas a common understanding of our current rights and freedoms is of the greatest importance for their full realization and to prevent them being burned in the dust heap of infamy,
Now, therefore, Region 65 of the Libertarian Party of Los Angeles County proclaims that it is fully opposed to the introduction, utilization, or idea of COVID Passports for access to facilities, travel, and other inalienable rights a tyrannical government may deem unnecessary for their "lesser" citizens.
-- Passed unanimously; April 1, 2021
Whereas everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits,
Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind,
Whereas such tyrannical and barbarous acts have included use of special identity cards to exclude certain groups of people from the cinema, theater, concerts, exhibitions, beaches and holiday resorts (Germany in 1938),
Whereas such tyranny was expanded only three years after the aforementioned cruelty to also exclude that same group of people the use of public phones; the ability to leave the country; even the ability to keep dogs, cats or birds (Germany, 1941),
Whereas a common understanding of our current rights and freedoms is of the greatest importance for their full realization and to prevent them being burned in the dust heap of infamy,
Now, therefore, Region 65 of the Libertarian Party of Los Angeles County proclaims that it is fully opposed to the introduction, utilization, or idea of COVID Passports for access to facilities, travel, and other inalienable rights a tyrannical government may deem unnecessary for their "lesser" citizens.
-- Passed unanimously; April 1, 2021
LPLAC Resolution Regarding the Closure of Restaurants
Outdoor Dining in LA County
The following resolution was passed by the Libertarian Party of Los Angeles County on a vote by a majority of the Executive Committee. The first two clauses are modified slightly from the Magna Carta, an important document from 1215, over 800 years ago now. The third clause is from the Fifth Amendment (Bill of Rights) to the US Constitution. The fourth clause is from the California Constitution, and is the first phrase in our State's Constitution. It was added in by the people of California in 1974 by a vote. We hope that the time line of the expansion of liberty to all persons continues versus the sorry state of tyranny in which we find ourselves.
Whereas, for a trivial offence, a free man shall be fined only in proportion to the degree of his offence, and for a serious offence correspondingly, but not so heavily as to deprive him of his livelihood. In the same way, a restaurateur shall be spared his livelihood, and a the wait staff the implements of their ability to earn an income, if they fall upon the mercy of a Los Angeles County Health Department. None of these fines shall be imposed except by the assessment on oath of reputable persons of their local neighborhood.
Whereas, no Sheriff or other Los Angeles County agency or body shall take food bought to serve diners or other movable goods from any man without immediate payment, unless the seller voluntarily offers postponement of this.
Whereas, no person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public protection by Executive fiat and without just compensation.
Whereas, all people are by nature free and independent and have inalienable rights. Among these are enjoying and defending life and liberty, acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining safety, happiness, and privacy.
Whereas, the limiting of restaurants again after more scientific evidence, treatments and vaccines have been developed to delivery and takeout will further deprive both individual employees of these establishments and their owners the ability to serve the other free persons in their communities in violation of the liberties bestowed upon free persons over the past several hundreds of years.
Therefore, the Libertarian Party of Los Angeles County urges the LA County Board of Supervisors to reconsider their vote on November 24, 2020 that gave a few individuals within a Department the ability to take away the Rights of individuals that been striven for and toiled for over the past 800 years.
Whereas, no Sheriff or other Los Angeles County agency or body shall take food bought to serve diners or other movable goods from any man without immediate payment, unless the seller voluntarily offers postponement of this.
Whereas, no person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public protection by Executive fiat and without just compensation.
Whereas, all people are by nature free and independent and have inalienable rights. Among these are enjoying and defending life and liberty, acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining safety, happiness, and privacy.
Whereas, the limiting of restaurants again after more scientific evidence, treatments and vaccines have been developed to delivery and takeout will further deprive both individual employees of these establishments and their owners the ability to serve the other free persons in their communities in violation of the liberties bestowed upon free persons over the past several hundreds of years.
Therefore, the Libertarian Party of Los Angeles County urges the LA County Board of Supervisors to reconsider their vote on November 24, 2020 that gave a few individuals within a Department the ability to take away the Rights of individuals that been striven for and toiled for over the past 800 years.
Libertarian Party of Los Angeles County Resolution Regarding COVID-19 Lockdown
The Libertarian Party of Los Angeles County resolves as follows:
People own their bodies, and it is their personal responsibility to take care of them;
People have a natural and constitutional right to travel and trade;
We, the Libertarian Party of Los Angeles County, support the voluntary actions of individuals doing whatever they need to do to ensure their own health and the health of their families so long as they don't harm the person or property of others;
Governments, where they exist, do not have the right to impede the travel and free trade that people depend on for their well being;
The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, Sheriff Alex Villanueva, Mayor Eric Garcetti, and his administration do not have the authority to dictate what people can and cannot do with their own bodies and property;
Los Angeles' economy depends on the free flow of goods and people acting autonomously;
The government's orders have caused tremendous damage to the people of our county by subjecting them to poverty and restricting their movement. The harm disproportionately impacts low income people, undocumented people, LGBT people, and other at risk populations.
Therefore, be it resolved the Libertarian Party of Los Angeles opposes the Los Angeles County shelter in place orders, all similar laws, penalties, and legislation. We call for their swift removal.
People own their bodies, and it is their personal responsibility to take care of them;
People have a natural and constitutional right to travel and trade;
We, the Libertarian Party of Los Angeles County, support the voluntary actions of individuals doing whatever they need to do to ensure their own health and the health of their families so long as they don't harm the person or property of others;
Governments, where they exist, do not have the right to impede the travel and free trade that people depend on for their well being;
The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, Sheriff Alex Villanueva, Mayor Eric Garcetti, and his administration do not have the authority to dictate what people can and cannot do with their own bodies and property;
Los Angeles' economy depends on the free flow of goods and people acting autonomously;
The government's orders have caused tremendous damage to the people of our county by subjecting them to poverty and restricting their movement. The harm disproportionately impacts low income people, undocumented people, LGBT people, and other at risk populations.
Therefore, be it resolved the Libertarian Party of Los Angeles opposes the Los Angeles County shelter in place orders, all similar laws, penalties, and legislation. We call for their swift removal.
March 3, 2020 Ballot Recommendations
from the Libertarians in the southeast area of Los Angeles (Region 65).
Vote on the Day of the election.
No need for the County to get a take on the count before Election Day.
Please also vote for Evan Wecksell, ballotpedia.org/Evan_Wecksell, Evan needs your write-in vote if you are in California State Senate District 25
We have many Members in Los Angeles County that are supporting Ricky Estrada with his run to be Mayor of Menifee in Riverside County. Ricky's campaign page on Facebook is www.facebook.com/estrada4menifee/
The following specific recommendations for voting were passed by the Members of Region 65 at our February 2020 Meeting. There were no objections.
State Measure -- Proposition 13, Vote NO. More bonds mean more taxes.
County Measures -- Measure FD, Vote NO. Adds a another square footage property tax on your structure.
County Measures -- Measure R, Vote NO
Local Measures
Alhambra City -- Measure AL, Vote NO. You will see this 3/4% Sales Tax increase in most cities this year. You know us.
Bell City -- Measure TT, Vote NO
Norwalk City -- Measure P, Vote NO
Paramount City -- Measure Y, Vote NO
Whittier City -- Measure W, Vote NO.
As you can see we are not for increasing taxes. We are for a very limited government. Increasing taxes only increases the layers of government that control people's lives while the economy gets further distorted around them.
State Measure -- Proposition 13, Vote NO. More bonds mean more taxes.
County Measures -- Measure FD, Vote NO. Adds a another square footage property tax on your structure.
County Measures -- Measure R, Vote NO
Local Measures
Alhambra City -- Measure AL, Vote NO. You will see this 3/4% Sales Tax increase in most cities this year. You know us.
Bell City -- Measure TT, Vote NO
Norwalk City -- Measure P, Vote NO
Paramount City -- Measure Y, Vote NO
Whittier City -- Measure W, Vote NO.
As you can see we are not for increasing taxes. We are for a very limited government. Increasing taxes only increases the layers of government that control people's lives while the economy gets further distorted around them.
Libertarian Party of California 2019 Convention News
Saturday Session
The session began following the keynote speech by Scott Horton.
Credentials Report was provided.
Agenda was adopted after a correction for typo regarding the Southern Vice-Chair's report being named the Central Vice-Chair report. [Elections scheduled for Sunday to elect a single Vice-Chair and three Regional Coordinators as opposed to two Vice-Chairs on the Ex Com. There are now less At-Large Committee Members.]
Chair reports on successes over the past year which include: Mr. Jeff Hewitt being elected to the Riverside County Board of Supervisors. Riverside is bigger than ten other States in the nation. We have a 9.5% increase in voter registration from 140,000 to 153,348 registered Libertarians. Mimi Robson, the Chair, now has a biweekly column published in the papers of the Southern California News Group (SCNG).
Northern Vice-Chair reported on activity in the North including answering questions about growth which was 14.78%. Going up 72 members from 487 members to 559 members.
Southern Vice-Chair reported on their time as Southern Vice-Chair.
Secretary reported all e-mail motions passed. The Operation Procedures were updated and the membership in LPC grew from 1,021 to 1,077.
Treasurer provided very good and positive report. The Convention was on its way to a success for fund raising and the first morning was not even complete.
Bylaws Committee Report
Recommendation 1 passed
Recommendation 2 was substituted. Substitute motion provided by Joe Dehn failed.
Recommendation 3 failed.
Recommendation 4 regarding the Platform Committee was substituted. Substitute motion passed.
Recommendation 5 was vote out of order.
Recommendation 6 it appears was substituted, and the substitute passed regarding Electronic Meetings.
Recommendation 7 passed as amended regarding Membership Suspension.
One will have to the view the LPC's YouTube channel to get all details.
Sunday Session
Election of Officers, Area Coordinators, At-Large Members and At-Large Alternates.
Mimi Robson is elected in a ballot for Chair and will continue in that role.
Kenneth Brent Olsen is elected on a voice vote as Vice-Chair. Ken was the Northern Vice-Chair.
Paul Vallandigham is elected on a voice vote as Secretary.
Steve Haug is unanimously reelected on a voice vote as Treasurer.
Northern Area Coordinator selected is Brandon Nelson.
Central Area Coordinator selected is Justin Quigley.
Southern Area Coordinator selected is Wendy Hewitt.
The five vacant At-Large Members seats are by elections. They are:
Kalish Morrow, Joshua Smith, Boomer Shannon, Rick Dawson, and Jason Quintero
The two At-Large Alternates are Devin Harris and Julian Olsen.
Platform Committee report had the body vote to remove or not remove the current Platform; followed by a vote to adopt the LP National Platform for the LPC. The body voted to delete in its entirety the current LPC Platform. The body's majority was not sufficient per rules of order regarding 2/3 of credentialed member to enact any new Platform following a point of order.
The LPC currently has no Platform. Much discussion and consternation ensued on the floor and the Convention was finally adjourned as scheduled.
The session began following the keynote speech by Scott Horton.
Credentials Report was provided.
Agenda was adopted after a correction for typo regarding the Southern Vice-Chair's report being named the Central Vice-Chair report. [Elections scheduled for Sunday to elect a single Vice-Chair and three Regional Coordinators as opposed to two Vice-Chairs on the Ex Com. There are now less At-Large Committee Members.]
Chair reports on successes over the past year which include: Mr. Jeff Hewitt being elected to the Riverside County Board of Supervisors. Riverside is bigger than ten other States in the nation. We have a 9.5% increase in voter registration from 140,000 to 153,348 registered Libertarians. Mimi Robson, the Chair, now has a biweekly column published in the papers of the Southern California News Group (SCNG).
Northern Vice-Chair reported on activity in the North including answering questions about growth which was 14.78%. Going up 72 members from 487 members to 559 members.
Southern Vice-Chair reported on their time as Southern Vice-Chair.
Secretary reported all e-mail motions passed. The Operation Procedures were updated and the membership in LPC grew from 1,021 to 1,077.
Treasurer provided very good and positive report. The Convention was on its way to a success for fund raising and the first morning was not even complete.
Bylaws Committee Report
Recommendation 1 passed
Recommendation 2 was substituted. Substitute motion provided by Joe Dehn failed.
Recommendation 3 failed.
Recommendation 4 regarding the Platform Committee was substituted. Substitute motion passed.
Recommendation 5 was vote out of order.
Recommendation 6 it appears was substituted, and the substitute passed regarding Electronic Meetings.
Recommendation 7 passed as amended regarding Membership Suspension.
One will have to the view the LPC's YouTube channel to get all details.
Sunday Session
Election of Officers, Area Coordinators, At-Large Members and At-Large Alternates.
Mimi Robson is elected in a ballot for Chair and will continue in that role.
Kenneth Brent Olsen is elected on a voice vote as Vice-Chair. Ken was the Northern Vice-Chair.
Paul Vallandigham is elected on a voice vote as Secretary.
Steve Haug is unanimously reelected on a voice vote as Treasurer.
Northern Area Coordinator selected is Brandon Nelson.
Central Area Coordinator selected is Justin Quigley.
Southern Area Coordinator selected is Wendy Hewitt.
The five vacant At-Large Members seats are by elections. They are:
Kalish Morrow, Joshua Smith, Boomer Shannon, Rick Dawson, and Jason Quintero
The two At-Large Alternates are Devin Harris and Julian Olsen.
Platform Committee report had the body vote to remove or not remove the current Platform; followed by a vote to adopt the LP National Platform for the LPC. The body voted to delete in its entirety the current LPC Platform. The body's majority was not sufficient per rules of order regarding 2/3 of credentialed member to enact any new Platform following a point of order.
The LPC currently has no Platform. Much discussion and consternation ensued on the floor and the Convention was finally adjourned as scheduled.
Local Libertarians running for Office in November. Remember to at least vote for the items/person that you want to see get a vote.
HONOR "MIMI" ROBSON is running for Member of the Assembly 70th District in the Long Beach.
CHRISTOPHER STARE is running for Member of the Assembly 51st District which is the area to the northeast of the the I-10 and I-5 around downtown Los Angeles.
[Map Data is Available at this link to the statewideatabase.org/]
CHRISTOPHER STARE is running for Member of the Assembly 51st District which is the area to the northeast of the the I-10 and I-5 around downtown Los Angeles.
[Map Data is Available at this link to the statewideatabase.org/]
LPLAC votes Recommending a No Vote on
Los Angeles County Measure W
Los Angeles County Measure W may sound nice based on its goals and by the advertising. However, it sets up a Board which can make whatever rules they deem fit to meet their mandate. They don't need to report on effectiveness essentially for 30 years. This is what creates the mess that we find ourselves in with ever bigger government.
Region 65's Recommended Voting Positions on State Propositions in California's November 6, 2018 General Election
Proposition 1: Veterans and Affordable Housing Bond Act of 2018-NO
Proposition 2: No Place like Home Act of 2018- NO
Proposition 3: Water Supply and Water Quality Act of 2018- NO
Proposition 4: Children’s Hospital Bond Act of 2018- NO
Proposition 5: People's Initiative to Protect Proposition 13 Savings- YES
Proposition 6: Voter Approval for Increases in Gas and Car Tax-YES
Proposition 7: Daylight Savings Time Act- YES
Proposition 8: Fair Pricing for Dialysis Act- NO
Proposition 10: Affordable Housing Act- NO
Proposition 11: Emergency Ambulance Employee Safety and Preparedness Act- NO
Proposition 12: Prevention of Cruelty to Farm Animals Act- NO
Proposition 2: No Place like Home Act of 2018- NO
Proposition 3: Water Supply and Water Quality Act of 2018- NO
Proposition 4: Children’s Hospital Bond Act of 2018- NO
Proposition 5: People's Initiative to Protect Proposition 13 Savings- YES
Proposition 6: Voter Approval for Increases in Gas and Car Tax-YES
Proposition 7: Daylight Savings Time Act- YES
Proposition 8: Fair Pricing for Dialysis Act- NO
Proposition 10: Affordable Housing Act- NO
Proposition 11: Emergency Ambulance Employee Safety and Preparedness Act- NO
Proposition 12: Prevention of Cruelty to Farm Animals Act- NO
Libertarian Party of Los Angeles County 2018 Convention News from June
The following Officers were elected to the Executive Committee of the Libertarian Party of Los Angeles County:
Chair – Angela McArdle
Vice-Chair – Kevin Shaw
Secretary – David Bowers (incumbent)
Treasurer – Manny Robledo
Judicial Committee selected Members are: Audrey Carlan, Tad Hethcoat and Edward Bowers.
Chair – Angela McArdle
Vice-Chair – Kevin Shaw
Secretary – David Bowers (incumbent)
Treasurer – Manny Robledo
Judicial Committee selected Members are: Audrey Carlan, Tad Hethcoat and Edward Bowers.
Libertarian Party of Los County Endorses the following Candidates for the June 5, 2018 Elections
Statewide Offices
Governor: Nickolas Wildstar and Zoltan Istvan [top two]
Lt. Governor: Tim Ferreira
Secretary of State: Gail Lightfoot
U. S. Senator: Derrick Michael Reid
U. S. Representatives:
Congressional District 34: Angela McArdle (downtown Los Angeles area and areas north toward Pasasdena and west toward Western Ave.)
Congressional District 17: Kennita Watson (Sunnyvale around north San Jose through Milpitas up to Fremont)
Congressional District 22: Bill Merryman (Tulare and Visalia up through area east of Fresno
Congressional District 48: Brandon Reiser (Orange County coast)
Congressional District 49: Joshua Hancock (South Orange County north of San Diego along the coast)
State Senators:
District 26: Mark Matthew Herd and Baron Bruno [Mr. Bruno is running No Party Preference to ensure there is only on (L) on the ballot] ( Beverly Hills west to Santa Monica and south along the coast to RPV and Catalina Island)
District 30: Frank Siciliano (From Mar Vista and Century City east through Culver City and Mid City to downtown Los Angeles and south to Watts)
District 6: Janine DeRose (Sacrameto area and south to Elk Grove)
District 10: Ali Sarsak (south San Leandro south through Fremont to north San Jose)
District 38: Antonio Salguero (South of Temecula along Interstate 15 down to El Cajon and out to the east including Anza-Borrego Desert, Cleveland National Forest, and Palomar Mountain)
State Assembly:
Assembly District 38: Kevin Shaw -- WRITE IN PLEASE (Covering areas from Castaic and Agua Dulce to Santa Clarita the northwest Valley and out to Simi Valley)
Assembly District 50: Levi Bailey --WRITE IN PLEASE (From Malibu east to Santa Monica and portions of Beverly Hills and north of Sunset Blvd.)
Assembly District 51: Christopher Stare (East Los Angeles and on north through City Terrace, Chinatown, Silver Lake up to Eagle Rock and Montecito Heights)
Assembly District 52: Ben Gibbins (Pomona, Chino Ontario out east toward west Fontana)
Assembly District 53: Mike Lewis (South Hollywood through Korea town, Downtown going through Boyle Heights and south to Huntington Park area)
Assembly District 70: Honor "Mimi" Robson (Long Beach areas)
Assembly District 8: Janice Marlae Bonser (Citrus Heights through Rancho Cordova east of Sacramento and Elk Grove areas)
Assembly District 24: Bob Goodwyn (Mountain View and Palo Alto over Coast Range to Half Moon Bay and areas south)
Assembly District 25: Robert Imhoff (Fremont south through eastern Santa Clara County area)
Governor: Nickolas Wildstar and Zoltan Istvan [top two]
Lt. Governor: Tim Ferreira
Secretary of State: Gail Lightfoot
U. S. Senator: Derrick Michael Reid
U. S. Representatives:
Congressional District 34: Angela McArdle (downtown Los Angeles area and areas north toward Pasasdena and west toward Western Ave.)
Congressional District 17: Kennita Watson (Sunnyvale around north San Jose through Milpitas up to Fremont)
Congressional District 22: Bill Merryman (Tulare and Visalia up through area east of Fresno
Congressional District 48: Brandon Reiser (Orange County coast)
Congressional District 49: Joshua Hancock (South Orange County north of San Diego along the coast)
State Senators:
District 26: Mark Matthew Herd and Baron Bruno [Mr. Bruno is running No Party Preference to ensure there is only on (L) on the ballot] ( Beverly Hills west to Santa Monica and south along the coast to RPV and Catalina Island)
District 30: Frank Siciliano (From Mar Vista and Century City east through Culver City and Mid City to downtown Los Angeles and south to Watts)
District 6: Janine DeRose (Sacrameto area and south to Elk Grove)
District 10: Ali Sarsak (south San Leandro south through Fremont to north San Jose)
District 38: Antonio Salguero (South of Temecula along Interstate 15 down to El Cajon and out to the east including Anza-Borrego Desert, Cleveland National Forest, and Palomar Mountain)
State Assembly:
Assembly District 38: Kevin Shaw -- WRITE IN PLEASE (Covering areas from Castaic and Agua Dulce to Santa Clarita the northwest Valley and out to Simi Valley)
Assembly District 50: Levi Bailey --WRITE IN PLEASE (From Malibu east to Santa Monica and portions of Beverly Hills and north of Sunset Blvd.)
Assembly District 51: Christopher Stare (East Los Angeles and on north through City Terrace, Chinatown, Silver Lake up to Eagle Rock and Montecito Heights)
Assembly District 52: Ben Gibbins (Pomona, Chino Ontario out east toward west Fontana)
Assembly District 53: Mike Lewis (South Hollywood through Korea town, Downtown going through Boyle Heights and south to Huntington Park area)
Assembly District 70: Honor "Mimi" Robson (Long Beach areas)
Assembly District 8: Janice Marlae Bonser (Citrus Heights through Rancho Cordova east of Sacramento and Elk Grove areas)
Assembly District 24: Bob Goodwyn (Mountain View and Palo Alto over Coast Range to Half Moon Bay and areas south)
Assembly District 25: Robert Imhoff (Fremont south through eastern Santa Clara County area)
Libertarian Party of California Endorsements for Candidates - Dec. 2, 2017
The Libertarian Party of California endorsed the following Libertarian Candidates who are seeking to get on the ballot for the 2018 Elections. We would ask you please to sign their petition and help them get on the ballot and reduce their filing fees. Candidates are listed in order by the way they came before the LPC Executive Committee.
Angela McArdle for California's 34th Congressional District (downtown Los Angeles and northeast neighborhoods)
Kevin Shaw for California's 38th State Assembly District (in The Vallley)
Brandon Reiser for California's 48th Congressional District (Orange County area)
Tim Ferreira for Lieutenant Governor of California
Robert Imhoff for California's 25th State Assembly District (in the Santa Clara Valley)
Mimi Robson for California's 70th State Assembly District (Long Beach area)
Michael Lewis for California's 53rd State Assembly District (areas around downtown Los Angeles)
Kevin Shaw for California's 38th State Assembly District (in The Vallley)
Brandon Reiser for California's 48th Congressional District (Orange County area)
Tim Ferreira for Lieutenant Governor of California
Robert Imhoff for California's 25th State Assembly District (in the Santa Clara Valley)
Mimi Robson for California's 70th State Assembly District (Long Beach area)
Michael Lewis for California's 53rd State Assembly District (areas around downtown Los Angeles)
Libertarian Party of Los Angeles County 2017 Convention News from June
The Libertarian Party of Los Angeles County held their Annual Convention June 17, 2017 from 12:30pm to 3:30pm. The meeting was held at the Marina del Rey Hotel located at 13534 Bali Way in Marina del Rey, California.
The meeting was run by our Chair, Jose Castaneda. The Chair reported on activities for the year including work done to get the web site up and going along with looking to add a second LPLAC website. Chair also asked the members and guests to become active in supporting the repeal effort of top two in California.
The Treasurer reported on the balances and monies spent for the year. The County is in good shape. However, more will be known after the receipts for the Convention are settled. The Treasurer also reported on having to complete corrections on the FPPC filings which included such fun actions as putting in zeroes versus dashes or blank spaces on the forms.
The Secretary reported on the 2016 Convention and the prior years' motions passed by the Ex Com. Copies of the Bylaws were available to all.
Our Guest Speakers were Angela McArdle who had recently run in the primary for California Congressional District 34's special election. Angela spoke about her efforts with the charity Food Not Bombs that works to feed the homeless every Sunday afternoon in downtown Los Angeles. Their operation is a private charity that seeks to help others take care of themselves. They helped block an effort by the Los Angeles City Council to have a second hearing on a motion to prevent non-governmental sponsored/authorized groups that feed the homeless. She asks that libertarians get the word out that we are for the people taking care of themselves. Knowledge and respect are the best handouts.
Our next speaker was Brandon Reiser. He is going to be running in the 48th Congressional District which covers Orange County's coast from Seal Beach to Laguna. He is hoping to beat the 5 to 6 Democrats vying for the other top two spots beside long time Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, the Republican in office. Brandon looks to pull in votes by appealing to no party preference, Libertarian and Republican voters who dislike Trump's (and thus Rohrabacher's) immigration stance and positions on environmental issues.
Mimi Robson, our recently elected LPC Secretary and a recent candidate for California State Senate District 33, spoke on the need to end Top-Two in California Primaries. [From www.stoptop2.com A Challenge to the State's Top Two Act is being pursued by the Foundation To Stop Top 2 LLC. The Foundation seeks to place the initiative to repeal on the 2018 ballot.]
The following Officers were elected:
Chair – Jose Castaneda (incumbent)
Vice-Chair – Tim Ferreira
Secretary – David Bowers (incumbent)
Treasurer – Jonathan Jaech (incumbent)
A motion is made by Jose Castaneda and seconded to award The Jean Taborsky Award for Activism to Angela McArdle. The motion passed unanimously.
The Ed Clark Candidate of the Year Award went to two people Baron Bruno and Mimi Robson.
The California LPC Chair and LPLAC member, Ted Brown, spoke about the upcoming special election for the 51st State Assembly District and our candidate in the audience Andrew Aguero. He also mentioned there will be several upcoming elections for non partisan elected offices throughout California and Los Angeles County that for which we should work to have candidates.
The meeting was run by our Chair, Jose Castaneda. The Chair reported on activities for the year including work done to get the web site up and going along with looking to add a second LPLAC website. Chair also asked the members and guests to become active in supporting the repeal effort of top two in California.
The Treasurer reported on the balances and monies spent for the year. The County is in good shape. However, more will be known after the receipts for the Convention are settled. The Treasurer also reported on having to complete corrections on the FPPC filings which included such fun actions as putting in zeroes versus dashes or blank spaces on the forms.
The Secretary reported on the 2016 Convention and the prior years' motions passed by the Ex Com. Copies of the Bylaws were available to all.
Our Guest Speakers were Angela McArdle who had recently run in the primary for California Congressional District 34's special election. Angela spoke about her efforts with the charity Food Not Bombs that works to feed the homeless every Sunday afternoon in downtown Los Angeles. Their operation is a private charity that seeks to help others take care of themselves. They helped block an effort by the Los Angeles City Council to have a second hearing on a motion to prevent non-governmental sponsored/authorized groups that feed the homeless. She asks that libertarians get the word out that we are for the people taking care of themselves. Knowledge and respect are the best handouts.
Our next speaker was Brandon Reiser. He is going to be running in the 48th Congressional District which covers Orange County's coast from Seal Beach to Laguna. He is hoping to beat the 5 to 6 Democrats vying for the other top two spots beside long time Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, the Republican in office. Brandon looks to pull in votes by appealing to no party preference, Libertarian and Republican voters who dislike Trump's (and thus Rohrabacher's) immigration stance and positions on environmental issues.
Mimi Robson, our recently elected LPC Secretary and a recent candidate for California State Senate District 33, spoke on the need to end Top-Two in California Primaries. [From www.stoptop2.com A Challenge to the State's Top Two Act is being pursued by the Foundation To Stop Top 2 LLC. The Foundation seeks to place the initiative to repeal on the 2018 ballot.]
The following Officers were elected:
Chair – Jose Castaneda (incumbent)
Vice-Chair – Tim Ferreira
Secretary – David Bowers (incumbent)
Treasurer – Jonathan Jaech (incumbent)
A motion is made by Jose Castaneda and seconded to award The Jean Taborsky Award for Activism to Angela McArdle. The motion passed unanimously.
The Ed Clark Candidate of the Year Award went to two people Baron Bruno and Mimi Robson.
The California LPC Chair and LPLAC member, Ted Brown, spoke about the upcoming special election for the 51st State Assembly District and our candidate in the audience Andrew Aguero. He also mentioned there will be several upcoming elections for non partisan elected offices throughout California and Los Angeles County that for which we should work to have candidates.
2017 Libertarian Party of California Convention News
The Convention got down to Business at 10:12 on Saturday morning, April 29th with 75 delegates in attendance and a number of other guests and visitors. [82 was the peak delegate count on Sunday.] The Convention agenda is passed as proposed after much discussion about dropping Bylaws from the Saturday afternoon agenda. There was not a Bylaws' Committee report this year. The Chair, Northern and Southern Vice-Chairs and Secretary provided reports. The Treasurer was not attendance. [A new Treasurer was elected on Saturday during normal business.] Our lunch speaker on Saturday was Eric Garris founder of Antiwar.com. He gave an interesting speech and warned that unfortunately the President may be sucked into the neocon's war. This is one of the policies, endless war, the people rejected in November. Bylaws were modified to drop Rule 4 which required voting at the Convention be polled at a Region level. Much other discussion consumed the allotted 90 minutes for Bylaws after lunch. Patrick Byrne , CEO of Overstock.com, was the evening's banquet speaker and gave an interesting picture of the history of the philosophy about liberty and the rights of man. The story starts with Greece moves through time and ends up almost getting killed in the late 1800's by some less than stellar philosophers. Liberty was pushed out of our government by the likes of FDR and his threat to pack the Supreme Court. [Sounds like the time is ripe for us to turn the tide back toward liberty for all people, not just the nobles.]
On Sunday the elections of the five Officers, and At-large Representatives, were held. The current Chair, Ted Brown, current Secretary, Honor 'Mimi' Robson, and current Southern Vice-chair, Johnathan Jaech were re-selected. The new Northern Vice-chair is Kenneth Olsen. Steve Haug was elected as the new Treasurer. We then broke for lunch. The speaker was David D. Friedman , writer on the theory of anarcho-capitalism and the book, The Machinery of Freedom. He spoke about what he describes as Feud Law. A system of law developed organically in societies without a government that enforces laws as we see today in most societies. Criminal acts are treated as individual torts against the person or their family not against the State. Elections for At-large Reps began after lunch. There were three returning At-large Reps and three new Reps. The incumbents are Alex Appleby, Boomer Shannon, and Wendy Hewitt. The newly elected At-large Reps are Robert Imhoff, Tyler Kuskie, and Zachary Moore. Jennifer Imhoff was elected first Alternate and Baron Bruno second Alternate. [Subsequently Eric Vaughnes resigned on May 1 from the Ex Com due to other responsibilities that take him away from devoting the effort he feels the Party deserves at this time. Jennifer was elected by the Ex Com on May 3, 2017 to be LPC At-large Rep for the one year balance of Eric's term.] Most if not all the Platform Committee's reports to change and update items in the Platform were accepted by the Convention's body. The most heartwarming is the addition of a Marijuana Plank which better explains our position on the legalization of marijuana and our distaste for the the regulatory state which will follow under Proposition 64. [To that end please ensure that you have your voices heard for more liberty and less regulation as the profiteers seek to game the government and you to line their pockets and their friends' in high places pockets too.] The Libertarian Party of California seems to be moving into a better position to push for more liberty. We always need your help here locally to make that happen though. Please help in anyway you can.
On Sunday the elections of the five Officers, and At-large Representatives, were held. The current Chair, Ted Brown, current Secretary, Honor 'Mimi' Robson, and current Southern Vice-chair, Johnathan Jaech were re-selected. The new Northern Vice-chair is Kenneth Olsen. Steve Haug was elected as the new Treasurer. We then broke for lunch. The speaker was David D. Friedman , writer on the theory of anarcho-capitalism and the book, The Machinery of Freedom. He spoke about what he describes as Feud Law. A system of law developed organically in societies without a government that enforces laws as we see today in most societies. Criminal acts are treated as individual torts against the person or their family not against the State. Elections for At-large Reps began after lunch. There were three returning At-large Reps and three new Reps. The incumbents are Alex Appleby, Boomer Shannon, and Wendy Hewitt. The newly elected At-large Reps are Robert Imhoff, Tyler Kuskie, and Zachary Moore. Jennifer Imhoff was elected first Alternate and Baron Bruno second Alternate. [Subsequently Eric Vaughnes resigned on May 1 from the Ex Com due to other responsibilities that take him away from devoting the effort he feels the Party deserves at this time. Jennifer was elected by the Ex Com on May 3, 2017 to be LPC At-large Rep for the one year balance of Eric's term.] Most if not all the Platform Committee's reports to change and update items in the Platform were accepted by the Convention's body. The most heartwarming is the addition of a Marijuana Plank which better explains our position on the legalization of marijuana and our distaste for the the regulatory state which will follow under Proposition 64. [To that end please ensure that you have your voices heard for more liberty and less regulation as the profiteers seek to game the government and you to line their pockets and their friends' in high places pockets too.] The Libertarian Party of California seems to be moving into a better position to push for more liberty. We always need your help here locally to make that happen though. Please help in anyway you can.
April 4, 2017 Congressional District 34 Special Primary Election
(links to LAvote.net page)
Angela E. McArdle a Libertarian is running in this special election. If no one gets 50% the top two will have a runoff election in June. Angela is graduate of Biola University, and now works as a paralegal with foreclosure and tenant cases.
Please Make Sure to Vote Not to Provide More Funds to the Corrupt when you Vote this March in Los Angeles County -- Maybe Next Time, folks.
This March, 2017 Region 65 of the Libertarian Party of Los Angeles County recommends a no vote on two ballot measures:
While we recognize that homelessness is definitely a problem in need of solutions we do not believe that more tax dollars funneled to the current set of inept political leaders will lead to any better results. Especially not when most of their plans involve more coercion and less free choice. Therefore, in the interest of liberty and less coercive decisions being made to help the homeless we recommend a NO Vote on Measure H in Los Angeles this March 2017.
We also recommend a NO Vote on Measure S as it works to maintain the control and ensures people continue to kowtow to the City of Los Angeles for no other reason than one is trying to develop their land.
While we recognize that homelessness is definitely a problem in need of solutions we do not believe that more tax dollars funneled to the current set of inept political leaders will lead to any better results. Especially not when most of their plans involve more coercion and less free choice. Therefore, in the interest of liberty and less coercive decisions being made to help the homeless we recommend a NO Vote on Measure H in Los Angeles this March 2017.
We also recommend a NO Vote on Measure S as it works to maintain the control and ensures people continue to kowtow to the City of Los Angeles for no other reason than one is trying to develop their land.
2016 State Propositions Positions taken and Results -- We take some solace in the fact there is a great need for liberty in California.
Proposition 51 - NO - School bonds (We are in enough debt.) RESULT Yes 51 K-12 and Community College Facilities 4,979,691 54.0% 4,247,736 46.0%
Proposition 52 - NO - State fees on hospitals RESULT Yes 52 Medi-Cal Hospital Fee Program 6,366,031 69.7% 2,765,020 30.3%
Proposition 53 - YES - Voting on limiting revenue bonds (Vote Yes to slow the growth of corruption, or better yet reduce corruption) RESULT No 53 Voter Approval of Revenue Bonds 4,344,834 48.6% 4,603,160 51.4%
Proposition 54 - YES - Legislative transparency RESULT Yes 54 Legislative Procedure Requirements 5,760,832 64.5% 3,176,961 35.5%
Proposition 55 - NO - Income tax hike extension (We will continue to bleed the stone otherwise.) RESULT Yes 55 Tax Extension for Education and Healthcare 5,727,076 62.2% 3,475,791 37.8%
Proposition 56 - NO - Cigarette tax increase (Let's get a black market going for these.) RESULT Yes 56 Cigarette Tax 5,952,829 63.2% 3,472,038 36.8%
Proposition 57 - YES - Parole for non violent felons (This Yes was based primarily on the LPC's considered position.) RESULT Yes 57 Criminal Sentences & Juvenile Crime Proceedings 5,887,327 63.7% 3,354,062 36.3%
Proposition 58 - NO - Changes in bilingual education (Immersion seems to work best in most cases.) RESULT Yes 58 English Proficiency. Multilingual Education. 6,680,861 72.5% 2,528,039 27.5%
Proposition 59 - NO - Advisory vote on Citizens United repeal (feel good measure) RESULT Yes 59 Corporate Political Spending Advisory Question 4,599,303 52.5% 4,160,665 47.5%
Proposition 60 - NO - Condoms required for adult film actors and actresses RESULT No 60 Adult Film Condom Requirements 4,147,733 46.0% 4,866,236 54.0%
Proposition 61 - NO - State prescription drug purchases RESULT No 61 State Prescription Drug Purchase Standards 4,192,175 46.2% 4,886,133 53.8%
Proposition 62 - Position not taken (Wow, a difference of opinion.) RESULT No 62 Repeal of Death Penalty 4,253,257 46.2% 4,955,178 53.8%
Proposition 63 - NO - New gun control measures (There really is a Second Amendment, Sacramento) RESULT Yes 63 Firearms and Ammunition Sales 5,835,666 62.8% 3,462,907 37.2%
Proposition 64 - NO - Adult Use of Marijuana Act (Too much crony capitalism tied with more power for the Governor -- taxes and boards -- We are never for a tax stamp measure either.) RESULT Yes 64 Marijuana Legalization 5,303,380 56.1% 4,144,647 43.9%
Proposition 65 - NO - Grocery bag money to wildlife fund RESULT No 65 Carryout Bag Charges 4,094,925 44.8% 5,053,500 55.2%
Proposition 66 - NO - Makes death penalty easier RESULT Yes 66 Death Penalty Procedure Time Limits 4,495,502 50.9% 4,331,569 49.1%
Proposition 67 - NO - Grocery stores can't provide plastic bags RESULT Yes 67 Ban on Single-use Plastic Bags 4,799,782 52.2% 4,398,052 47.8%
Los Angeles County
Measure A - NO - 1.5 cents tax for parks, beaches, rivers ( What did we say about taxes above.) RESULT Yes 1,568,781 73.48% No 566,267 26.52%
Measure M - NO - 1/2 cents sales tax for Metro projects (Need I say more -- or is it moar?) RESULT Yes 1,499,066 69.82% No 647,871 30.18%
Cities (last but not least local cities -- Southeast LA County)
Measure D - YES - Council Districts in Bellflower versus City-wide (Perhaps one of the people against this makes us say, yes.) Yes 7,169 50.98% No 6,893 49.02%
Measure S - NO - Downey 1/2% sales tax increase (Are they kidding after they put in all the street design and brought in retailers saying we would get more taxes? Can you say, cannot budget?) RESULT Yes 15,721 62.15% No 9,574 37.85%
Measures PS and RD - NO - Lynwood 1% sales tax increase and added 10% of funds to Rainy Day Fund (A lot of whereases to get these on the ballot. What happened to our supposed economic recovery? You tell us.) RESULT PS Yes 7,505 74.11% No 2,622 25.89% RESULT RD Yes 6,437 65.68% No 3,364 34.32%
Proposition 51 - NO - School bonds (We are in enough debt.) RESULT Yes 51 K-12 and Community College Facilities 4,979,691 54.0% 4,247,736 46.0%
Proposition 52 - NO - State fees on hospitals RESULT Yes 52 Medi-Cal Hospital Fee Program 6,366,031 69.7% 2,765,020 30.3%
Proposition 53 - YES - Voting on limiting revenue bonds (Vote Yes to slow the growth of corruption, or better yet reduce corruption) RESULT No 53 Voter Approval of Revenue Bonds 4,344,834 48.6% 4,603,160 51.4%
Proposition 54 - YES - Legislative transparency RESULT Yes 54 Legislative Procedure Requirements 5,760,832 64.5% 3,176,961 35.5%
Proposition 55 - NO - Income tax hike extension (We will continue to bleed the stone otherwise.) RESULT Yes 55 Tax Extension for Education and Healthcare 5,727,076 62.2% 3,475,791 37.8%
Proposition 56 - NO - Cigarette tax increase (Let's get a black market going for these.) RESULT Yes 56 Cigarette Tax 5,952,829 63.2% 3,472,038 36.8%
Proposition 57 - YES - Parole for non violent felons (This Yes was based primarily on the LPC's considered position.) RESULT Yes 57 Criminal Sentences & Juvenile Crime Proceedings 5,887,327 63.7% 3,354,062 36.3%
Proposition 58 - NO - Changes in bilingual education (Immersion seems to work best in most cases.) RESULT Yes 58 English Proficiency. Multilingual Education. 6,680,861 72.5% 2,528,039 27.5%
Proposition 59 - NO - Advisory vote on Citizens United repeal (feel good measure) RESULT Yes 59 Corporate Political Spending Advisory Question 4,599,303 52.5% 4,160,665 47.5%
Proposition 60 - NO - Condoms required for adult film actors and actresses RESULT No 60 Adult Film Condom Requirements 4,147,733 46.0% 4,866,236 54.0%
Proposition 61 - NO - State prescription drug purchases RESULT No 61 State Prescription Drug Purchase Standards 4,192,175 46.2% 4,886,133 53.8%
Proposition 62 - Position not taken (Wow, a difference of opinion.) RESULT No 62 Repeal of Death Penalty 4,253,257 46.2% 4,955,178 53.8%
Proposition 63 - NO - New gun control measures (There really is a Second Amendment, Sacramento) RESULT Yes 63 Firearms and Ammunition Sales 5,835,666 62.8% 3,462,907 37.2%
Proposition 64 - NO - Adult Use of Marijuana Act (Too much crony capitalism tied with more power for the Governor -- taxes and boards -- We are never for a tax stamp measure either.) RESULT Yes 64 Marijuana Legalization 5,303,380 56.1% 4,144,647 43.9%
Proposition 65 - NO - Grocery bag money to wildlife fund RESULT No 65 Carryout Bag Charges 4,094,925 44.8% 5,053,500 55.2%
Proposition 66 - NO - Makes death penalty easier RESULT Yes 66 Death Penalty Procedure Time Limits 4,495,502 50.9% 4,331,569 49.1%
Proposition 67 - NO - Grocery stores can't provide plastic bags RESULT Yes 67 Ban on Single-use Plastic Bags 4,799,782 52.2% 4,398,052 47.8%
Los Angeles County
Measure A - NO - 1.5 cents tax for parks, beaches, rivers ( What did we say about taxes above.) RESULT Yes 1,568,781 73.48% No 566,267 26.52%
Measure M - NO - 1/2 cents sales tax for Metro projects (Need I say more -- or is it moar?) RESULT Yes 1,499,066 69.82% No 647,871 30.18%
Cities (last but not least local cities -- Southeast LA County)
Measure D - YES - Council Districts in Bellflower versus City-wide (Perhaps one of the people against this makes us say, yes.) Yes 7,169 50.98% No 6,893 49.02%
Measure S - NO - Downey 1/2% sales tax increase (Are they kidding after they put in all the street design and brought in retailers saying we would get more taxes? Can you say, cannot budget?) RESULT Yes 15,721 62.15% No 9,574 37.85%
Measures PS and RD - NO - Lynwood 1% sales tax increase and added 10% of funds to Rainy Day Fund (A lot of whereases to get these on the ballot. What happened to our supposed economic recovery? You tell us.) RESULT PS Yes 7,505 74.11% No 2,622 25.89% RESULT RD Yes 6,437 65.68% No 3,364 34.32%
Los Angeles County Candidates for Office
Baron Bruno is running in California Assembly District 62 and has the the distinction of perhaps being in the first top three race to occur in California. According to top two rules if two people tie for second they are both on the November ballot. Bruno's District covers the west side of LA County from about Marina Del Rey down.
Honor 'Mimi' Robson is running for 33rd State Senate District which encompasses Long Beach
Michael Everling is running for California Assembly District 51 encompassing portions of East Los Angeles and the area north of downtown.
Here is a link to LA County Registrar's precinct mapping page. Please see our homepage for links to the Gary Johnson Campaign.
Honor 'Mimi' Robson is running for 33rd State Senate District which encompasses Long Beach
Michael Everling is running for California Assembly District 51 encompassing portions of East Los Angeles and the area north of downtown.
Here is a link to LA County Registrar's precinct mapping page. Please see our homepage for links to the Gary Johnson Campaign.
Libertarian Party of California Ex Com News -- August 6, 2016 Meeting
The Libertarian Party of California (LPC) recommends a NO vote on Proposition 64 on the November ballot in California. This initiative although legalizing the use of marijuana for those over 21 years old has several drawbacks. For one it is structured in a way that would establish an extensive regulatory regime that appears to favor profits for connected entities and corporations over personal liberty.
The LPC endorsed all five Libertarian candidates for State Assembly and State Senate seats. This good showing even with top two primaries thinning our candidate ranks and their chances of making the November ballot. Three candidates are in Los Angeles County. They are:
The LPC endorses the proponents of Proposition 62 along with recommending a YES vote.
The LPC recommends a YES vote of Propositions 53, 54, and 57
The LPC endorses the opposition to Propositions 60 and 63 in addition to recommending a NO vote in November.
The LPC recommends a NO vote on Proposition 51, 52, 55, 56, 58 and 61 on your ballot in November 2016.
The LPC endorsed all five Libertarian candidates for State Assembly and State Senate seats. This good showing even with top two primaries thinning our candidate ranks and their chances of making the November ballot. Three candidates are in Los Angeles County. They are:
The LPC endorses the proponents of Proposition 62 along with recommending a YES vote.
The LPC recommends a YES vote of Propositions 53, 54, and 57
The LPC endorses the opposition to Propositions 60 and 63 in addition to recommending a NO vote in November.
The LPC recommends a NO vote on Proposition 51, 52, 55, 56, 58 and 61 on your ballot in November 2016.
2016 LPLAC Convention News
The 2016 Libertarian Party of Los Angeles County Convention was held Saturday, April 23, 2016. The Lunch Speaker was John Seiler of the Orange County Register and CalWatchDog.com. spoke on several issues impacting California. Alive, Free and Happy team spoke about the impact of regulation in the medical area pushed by the AMA and leading to less overall health options for US citizens. Ted Brown, the State Chair, about the goals coming out of our recent LPC State Convention.
Several Libertarian candidates for office spoke including: Gail Lightfoot for US Senate, Mark Herd for US Senate, Boomer Shannon who is seeking to be a write-in candidate in the 49 Assembly District, and Judd Weiss Vice-Presidential candidate on the John McAfee ticket for US President.
All California candidates were endorsed included John Hoop for the 70th State Assembly District in California.
Mark Herd invites candidates to the California US Senate Debate to be held May 14th in the Monterey Area.
Several Libertarian candidates for office spoke including: Gail Lightfoot for US Senate, Mark Herd for US Senate, Boomer Shannon who is seeking to be a write-in candidate in the 49 Assembly District, and Judd Weiss Vice-Presidential candidate on the John McAfee ticket for US President.
All California candidates were endorsed included John Hoop for the 70th State Assembly District in California.
Mark Herd invites candidates to the California US Senate Debate to be held May 14th in the Monterey Area.
The Chair remains Jose Catstaneda
The Secretary remains David Bowers Region 61 Rep is TBD Region 63 Rep is Alan Pyeatt Region 65 Rep is Rodger Rosie Region 67 Rep is Bob Biggadike |
The Vice-Chair remains Ted Brown
The Treasurer remains Jonathan Jaech Region 62 Rep is Bob Weber Region 64 Rep is Cole Lundstrom Region 66 Rep is Jay Jones Region 68 Rep is TBD |
2016 Libertarian Party of Convention Convention News
The 2016 LPC Convention was held April 1st through the 3rd at the Hilton LAX. Platform amendments include:
our opposition to the Top Two voting system in California and attempts to ban e-cigarettes and vaping.
We are against the prohibition of ridesharing and private jitney services (such Uber and Lyft).
We are for the prosecution of police officers that intentionally and maliciously that violate peoples' material rights.
We added Common Core to the federally and state mandated education standards whose implementation we feel should be resisted.
The LPC elected as Treasurer, Gale Morgan, who was holding the position of Treasurer following a resignation at the beginning of the year. The elected At-Large members are: Eric Vaughnes, Jason Wu, Bill Hadju, Susan Marie Weber, Alex Appleby and David Bowers. The two Alternates are Wendy Hewitt and Starchild. Next year, 2017, will be election of Officers and other 2-year At-Large Memebers.
The results of the Libertarian Party of California's Presidential straw poll had Gary Johnson beating John McAfee.
our opposition to the Top Two voting system in California and attempts to ban e-cigarettes and vaping.
We are against the prohibition of ridesharing and private jitney services (such Uber and Lyft).
We are for the prosecution of police officers that intentionally and maliciously that violate peoples' material rights.
We added Common Core to the federally and state mandated education standards whose implementation we feel should be resisted.
The LPC elected as Treasurer, Gale Morgan, who was holding the position of Treasurer following a resignation at the beginning of the year. The elected At-Large members are: Eric Vaughnes, Jason Wu, Bill Hadju, Susan Marie Weber, Alex Appleby and David Bowers. The two Alternates are Wendy Hewitt and Starchild. Next year, 2017, will be election of Officers and other 2-year At-Large Memebers.
The results of the Libertarian Party of California's Presidential straw poll had Gary Johnson beating John McAfee.
LPC Ex-Com News
The Libertarian Party of California endorsed the California Cannabis Hemp Initiative 2016 at their July 18th Executive Committee meeting. See more at the Initiative's website -- http://www.cchi2016.org/
LPLAC Convention News from our June 27, 2015 Convention
One Resolution was passed unanimously:
By Resolution LPLAC commends the Supreme Court on it's recommendation regarding same sex marriage and it should be noted that the Libertarian Party has supported this view since the 1970's.
One Bylaw Amendment was modified by a substitute motion and passed. The motion in effect modifies our Conventions to be annual from being annually held in June. Final language to be posted later.
By Resolution LPLAC commends the Supreme Court on it's recommendation regarding same sex marriage and it should be noted that the Libertarian Party has supported this view since the 1970's.
One Bylaw Amendment was modified by a substitute motion and passed. The motion in effect modifies our Conventions to be annual from being annually held in June. Final language to be posted later.
The Chair remains Jose Catstaneda
The Secretary remains David Bowers Region 61 Rep is Edward Bowers Region 63 Rep is Alan Pyeatt Region 65 Rep is Rodger Rosie Region 67 Rep is E.J. Badillo |
The Vice-Chair remains Ted Brown
The Treasurer remains Jonathan Jaech Region 62 Rep is Bob Weber Region 64 Rep is Brian Andresen Region 66 Rep is Jay Jones Region 68 Rep is TBD |
2015 LPC State Convention News
At the State Convention held in Las Vegas on May 31, 2015, the Libertarian Party of California elected:
Ted Brown as Chair.
Jonathan Jaech was reelected Southern Vice-chair.
Brian Thiemer was elected as Northern Vice-chair.
Kevin Duewel was elected Secretary.
Emily Tilford was elected Treasurer.
California Libertarians elected to the five At-large Executive Committee positions for two years are: Boomer Shannon, Mark Hinkle, Mike Sertic, Jeff Hewitt and Ray Fostore.
Elected to a one-year term as At-large Committee members are: Jason Wu, Eric Vaughnes and Jarrett Tilford.
Libertarian Party of California elects as Alternate Executive Committee members: David Bowers and Gale Morgan.
Brianna Wright is elected to the Judicial Committee seat vacated by the election of Ted Brown as Chair of the LPC.
No changes to the LPC State Bylaws or Platform were brought up for a vote. The entire one day, Sunday Convention was consumed with elections after the rules were suspended by the body for that purpose.
Ted Brown as Chair.
Jonathan Jaech was reelected Southern Vice-chair.
Brian Thiemer was elected as Northern Vice-chair.
Kevin Duewel was elected Secretary.
Emily Tilford was elected Treasurer.
California Libertarians elected to the five At-large Executive Committee positions for two years are: Boomer Shannon, Mark Hinkle, Mike Sertic, Jeff Hewitt and Ray Fostore.
Elected to a one-year term as At-large Committee members are: Jason Wu, Eric Vaughnes and Jarrett Tilford.
Libertarian Party of California elects as Alternate Executive Committee members: David Bowers and Gale Morgan.
Brianna Wright is elected to the Judicial Committee seat vacated by the election of Ted Brown as Chair of the LPC.
No changes to the LPC State Bylaws or Platform were brought up for a vote. The entire one day, Sunday Convention was consumed with elections after the rules were suspended by the body for that purpose.