Resolution Against the I-5 Santa Ana Freeway Widening Project
Whereas, the widening of the Santa Ana Fwy, I-5, from the I-605 interchange to downtown Los Angeles, will result in the potential taking of 320 properties;
Whereas, the widening of the fwy will result in the taking of 360 homes and business’;
Whereas, the widening of the fwy will result in the taking of 200+ homes primarily in Downey;
Whereas, the widening of the fwy will affect homeowners in the cities of City of Commerce, Downey, Los Angeles, Montebello, Pico Rivera, Santa Fe Springs, and the un-incorporated area of East Los Angeles;
Whereas, the widening of the fwy will primarily affect lower income areas in Downey on the north side of the fwy;
Whereas, the widening of the fwy will result in the taking of part of Veterans Memorial Park in the City of Commerce and part of Santa Fe Springs Park in Santa Fe Springs;
Whereas, the widening of the fwy will result in the taking of part of Dennis the Menace Park in Downey;
Whereas, the widening of the fwy will result in the taking of the playground of Unsworth Elementary School in Downey;
Now therefore, be it resolved we, the Libertarian Party Region 65, Southeast Los Angeles County, declare support for the updating to modern standards the interchanges from the San Gabriel River Fwy, I-605 to downtown Los Angeles, US-101 and I-10 so long as no homes, business’, parks, or elementary schools are taken;
Now therefore, we declare opposition to the I-5 Santa Ana Fwy Widening Project except for the purpose of updating to modern standards the interchanges and affirm our effort to stop the project as currently proposed.
Adopted this date the 9th of November 2023 at the monthly meeting held in Whittier, California.